Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Trap

I might be 35 years old, but I am still dealing with a problem that I have been struggling with since childhood. My problem . . .the fear of man. Jesus tells us in the Bible that it is a snare or a trap. I have been in and out of this "jail" my whole life.

Fearing what others think of us -holds us in bondage and temporarily paralyzes us. Growing up in Willmar, I tended to "think" that others were unfairly judging me and secluding me from friendships and activities. These thoughts kept me from really enjoying those around me . . .and really enjoying who God made me to be . . .I was too caught up trying to please and "feel" included that my years as a girl were tainted.

This "problem" of mine has led me down many wrong paths in this journey that I am on. My college years were spent making horrible mistakes because of wanting to fit in with the "in" crowd rather than living to please my Father in Heaven. My life is another example of God's great Mercy and Grace to us . . .while we were still sinners Christ died for us. He kept a hold of me and today I see His hand of deliverance by how friends and situations were removed from my life. What a great heavenly Father! A Good Shepherd.

Recently, the "problem" has tried to "trap" me again. My husband is the pastor of our church and I have felt tempted to begin to fear what others think of him and our church. It is hard when good friends decide to leave our church to go somewhere else. I am a firm believer that God can lead others to other churches---but for some reason I feel a burden-like they are rejecting me . . .ick!!! What a trap!

I am writing this now to declare that it is not my responsiblity nor Chris' to keep everyone happy at our church. We can only do what we feel lead by the Spirit to do . . .I know my husband listens to the voice of God----I know that he is placed in the position that he is in because of the call of God on his life. My worrying about what "others" think just paralyzes me and causes me to give control to others . . .when Christ is my Shepherd---He leads me- it's His church . . .I don't do it on my own.

Christ has set me free from this "Trap" . . . the bondage of fearing others and their approval. I am choosing to trust in God for the strength that is needed to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

AMEN!!! We pastor's wives need to get together for a support group!!! :-)

Thanks for being honest. I think that if we all are honest, we can all struggle with the desire to "fit in" and the desire to want to please people - and yes, it can be such a "trap"! Amen that we are working for the Lord and not for men!!