Friday, October 3, 2008

The Good Things that Pile Up!

When I truly examine my life I notice that I am really busy. Busy parenting my children, busy doing housework, busy volunteering in the church's nurseries, busy driving my kids around to dance, gymnastics and school . . . there is a Veggie Tale Song that goes " Busy, Busy, Much, Much Too Busy . . "
Some responsibilites are too important to drop such as parenting the children . . . but the others should basically be optional. We find ourselves too busy with good things to really focus on the "GOOD" thing in our lives. That is our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has always been easy for me to commit to activities and outings but hard for me to daily sit at the feet of Jesus. Boy, do I serve Him with my time and my limited talents . . .but He desires for me to spend time with Him.

Could I possibly relate to Jesus missing me? You know when Chris and I were dating we spent almost every single free time we had with each other. We hung out or went out to eat . . . just to be together. It was during those times that I fell in love with him. Now we are married- seven years-and it is so hard to spend one on one time with each other. We both busy ourselves with "good"things- ministry, parenting, relationships . . .but rarely spend time alone together. I miss him. Sadly my lonely feelings come out as anger pushing him further away from me.
Oh, how gracefilled our Lord is. He does not get "angry" with us . . .instead He calls us by His small gentle voice saying, " I miss you, Emily. Come to me, I will give you rest." Wow - - can I learn from Him or what? These gentle leadings draw us instead of causing us to resist Him . . .The more I seek You , the more I find You, the more I find You, the more I love You . . .I want to sit at your feet drink from the cup in your hand, lay back against you and breathe, feel your heart beat . . . this love is so deep it more than I can stand I melt in your peace it's overwhelming . . . .
Change me, Lord, to be like You. Draw me to Yourself . . .make me like You as a wife, mom, friend, neighbor and stranger. Make me like you.

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